I sometimes gab on podcasts and provide strung-together words to websites. Most of these occasions will be logged on this page.
- On the inaugural episode of the Sync Club podcast, I spill the beans on music licensing and publishing. After some table-setting, I get into actionable tips for recording artists looking to break into the sync market.
- I really enjoyed my conversation with Rob on the This Is Orlando podcast. We chat about the Orlando music scene and my history in it, and I also get to some favorite subjects, namely the advantage of storytelling, the ‘body of work’ mindset, and how to listen with intention.
- This one is more casual and fun, as you might expect from a podcast called Scotch and “Good” Conversation. It’s about telling stories, and you’ll get to hear the one involving an encounter with Meat Beat Manifesto that led to my first digital sampler.
- This interview with Terry Matthew of 5 Magazine is mostly focused on my 8D Industries imprint. But it gives a great overview of my history and my general philosophy when it comes to how I operate in the music industry.
- Here’s an interview with the Russian music site My Music Moments. The interviewer promised to try and ask questions I had never been asked before. He mostly succeeded. I talk about my time as a record shop owner, why I stopped DJ’ing, my favorite books, and an anecdote about performing in Novosibirsk.
or answer questions for your website or blog
or be a panelist or speaker at your event
please contact me here.