Some self-referential housekeeping: the wonderful and kind 5 Magazine just published an interview with yours truly where I dive deep into all things Eighth Dimension and 8D Industries. I also talk a bit about my personal philosophy of running a label and releasing music. I’m super happy with how this conversation came out — it’s an accurate picture of who I’ve been, what the hell I’m doing, and where my head’s going. This section of the interview is a perfect summary of my outlook:
The main constraints that you should be worried about are the ones you impose on yourself. Fixations on social media numbers, coverage in the hippest blogs, and getting that A-list DJ to play your record are distractions that hold you back, especially when you’re just starting.
As music artists (or creative artists in general) we have to understand the long game. And we have to be into it, and I mean really into it, otherwise the long game becomes unbearable. Once you understand the long game you’re playing, and the patience required, and accept the freedom that now exists to do whatever you like creatively, the pressure’s off, and the fun begins.
🔗→ (Re)Introducing… 8D Industries
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